Fudgy Cannabis Brownies

Fudgy, crackly, sweet and with just a hint of 🌱











  • 170gr unsalted butter
  • 1,5gr original haze
  • 1tbsp water
  • 3 large eggs
  • 200gr granulated sugar
  • 175gr dark chocolate (70%)
  • 90gr all-purpose flour
  • 10gr cacao powder
  • 1/4tsp salt
  • 1tsp vanilla



  1. Start with making the cannabis butter. Grind your original haze into small pieces or use a pestle and mortar to break it down. Make sure to clean your pestle and mortar thoroughly before and after use.
  2. Slowly melt your butter. It is very important not to rush this process as overheating your cannabis will reduce its THC levels.
  3. Add your ground cannabis to your butter and on the lowest heat possible, let the cannabis infuse into the butter for 1 hour to make your cannabutter. Make sure the butter does not boil and stir consistently.
  4. Preheat your oven to 160C
  5. Place the chocolate in a bowl and lay a clean kitchen towel in a sieve, over the bowl of chocolate. Sieve your cannabutter over the chocolate. The remaining heat of the butter will melt the chocolate. Mix this until a smooth mixture and set it aside.
  6. In a medium bowl, whip your eggs, sugar & vanilla until pale and fluffy (about 3 minutes). Whipping the eggs is vital for that crackly brownie top.
  7. Add your chocolate mixture to your eggs and mix until combined.
  8. Fold in your flour, salt & cacao powder and stop mixing once it’s fully combined.
  9. Pour the brownie mixture into a buttered and lined square or brownie baking tin.
  10. Bake your brownie for 15-20 minutes, take it out of the oven and leave to cool completely.
  11. Once cooled, slice into 12 portions and enjoy!
